Gendron, Mark

Department : Sciencemr.gendron

Room: 408
Email: [email protected]
Phone:  619-510-4700 Ext. 2408

Science Department website

Physics is on Google Classroom and Chemistry is on Canvas

Google Classsroom


Period #1 - djqhmod Period #2 -  lhvst7g Period #3 -  aphjhob 

Period #4 - 3rabewr Period #5 -  df2vp5i Period #6 -  tn6kxif 

Physics Syllabus

Dear Students,

I pray that you are all healthy and safe as we enter a new phase of your instruction. With all that is going on it is important for everyone to be as safe as possible and follow ALL of the CDC guidelines. 

 I have set up Google Classrooms for each and every class.  The codes are above for every class.  If you have any problems signing into your class pleas contact me, either, through email at [email protected] or  text me at 619-750-2324.

They say the Greatest Adventure is one into the unknown. For most of us, Distance Learning is going to be a Great Adventure. I hope it will be as much fun for all of you as it will be for me.

Mark Gendron

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