SSC Minutes April 4th, 2017

Morse High School

School Site Council (SSC) Minutes

April 4, 2017

Member Present: M. Gendron , G. Guilas, J. Orona, L. Sanchez, , M. Irby, R. Rockett,

  1. Campos-Benitez substitute - Carolina Loza (student), H. Shelton substitute - Mr. Laine

Members Absent: Y. Black , H. Green , N. Natanauan, H. Shelton, E. Campos-Benitez,

  1. Castellanos, H. Abdirahm

Called to order @ 4:03 pm. Corrected Minutes were approved by Ms. Orona/R. Rockett.

Parent Report:

Coffee with the Principal this Friday at 8:00 am (April 7, 2017).

New Business:

Budget Transfers were presented during principal's report.

Principal's Report:

Our budget for next year was reviewed. Two budget transfers were proposed. Ms. Orona made motion to make such budget transfers. The motion was seconded by Ms. Guilas. The proposed budget transfers were voted and approved unanimously.

The budget transfers are as follow:

Resource 30100: (Transfer #1)

From account 3000s (benefits), the amount $25,971.00 to:

Account 2230, the amount of $200.00, for Library Media & Tech

Account 2456, the amount of $253.00, for Clerical Sub Hourly

Account 5207, the amount of $1,050.00, for Travel Conference

Account 5841, the amount of $10,043.00, for Software License

(IXL Licenses for Math Department)

Account 4301, the amount of $14,425.00, for Instructional Supplies

Total Transfer: $25,971.00

Resource 30103: (Transfer #2)

From account 4301 the amount of $655.00 (Instructional Supplies) to account 4304 the amount of $655.00 for Inservice Supplies.


Mr. Laine presented the need for having representation in ELAC at the district level. SSC is responsible for this body. It was proposed to bring it up in the PTSA meeting. It is expected to have some parents be involved in running this body.

DAC Report:

There was no report due to Ms. Green's absence.

Round Table:

Ms. Sanchez: MESA students participated in a Regional competition on Saturday, April 1. Catherine Arceo and Christina Pelayo won first place in a large team math competition. Also, the Prosthetic Arm Team (Catherine Arceo, Jessica Flores, Christopher Cox and Ourson Domingo) won third place in presentation. Kirby Inocencio and David Tolentino won 2nd place in the Eggxpress project.

Mr. Gendron shared his participation in a science conference. This was an excellent conference.

Mr. Rockett asked how layoffs are affecting Morse. Mr. Laine responded that the names of the teachers and staff who received pink slips is confidential. He also mentioned that it is affecting younger teachers.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:28 pm.

Public Comments:

Carolina Loza expressed how helpful the IXL software in her math classes has been.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ms. Sanchez

Mark Gendron

Harry Shelton

Assistant Secretary SSC Chair Person


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