SSC Minutes May 2, 2017

Morse High School

School Site Council (SSC) Minutes

May 2, 2017

Member Present: M. Gendron , H. Green, G. Guilas, J. Orona, L. Sanchez, , M. Irby, R. Rockett, Dr. Shelton

Members Absent: Y. Black, N. Natanun, E. Campos-Benitez (student)

Called to order @ 4:08 pm. Corrected Minutes were approved by Dr. Shelton/R. G. Guilas.

Parent Report:

Coffee with the principal this Friday at 8:00 am (May 5, 2017). No more parent functions until the end of the year.

New Business:

Principal's Report:

The Single Plan For Student Achievement was presented by the principal. Principal Shelton presented the plan going through the various components of the document including the resources to support the plan. This plan was reviewed. The SBAC results were used as a measuring tool to generate our goals in our site plan. Mr. Rockett asked how the percentages were determined. Dr. Shelton explained how the percentages were determined and they represent. Single Plan For Student Achievement document was provided to each member for review. After the review of the SPSA document, Ms. Orona initiated the motion to have the plan approved. Mr. Rockett second the motion. The plan was voted to be approved as it is unanimously.

ELAC: No report since there is no ELAC commission.

DAC Report: There is no report from Ms. Green.

Round Table:

May 25th- PTSA Meeting at 5:00pm. It will be followed by the Filipino-American Celebration. Parents will be invited to participate in ELAC. (Ms. Guilas reported).

Mr. Gendron spoke about the achievement gap. The root of this problem is based on parent's participation.

4:27 pm meeting was adjourned.

Public Comments: none

May 25th is the Morse modernization meeting at 6:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark Gendron

Ms. Green, Secretary

Ms. Sanchez, Assistant Secretary SSC Chair Person

Dr. Harry Shelton


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