Asvab Summary ResultASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery):

The ASVAB test isn't just an evaluation of somebody interested in the military, but somebody interested in their abilities and what occupations and careers they might consider pursuing in the near future. The ASVAB test is comprised of General Science; Word Knowledge; Assembling Objects; Auto and Shop Information; Arithmetic Reasoning; Mechanical Comprehension; Paragraph Comprehension; Electronics; and Mathematics Knowledge.

Release of Information and Results:

San Diego Unified School District does not release student information to recruiters including test results.

Test scores are given to students during the career assessment interpretation. Students will be given a chance to meet with ASVAB ambassadors who will go over the ASVAB SUMMARY RESULTS with students. Students will also learn about their interest codes including: Realistic; Investigative; Artistic; Social; Enterprising; and/or Conventional.

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