Morse High School
In order to assure a strong working relationship between Morse High School and the community, Morse High School is committed to the following:
- Providing and maintaining a fully staffed parent center on site.
- Involve parents and community in the development or revision of the SPSA plan. Parents will participate on the School Site Council committee.
- Involve parents and the School Site Council in planning the annual mandatory Title I Parent meeting.
- Provide parent training opportunities and materials.
- Gather input from parents and community at school cluster meetings.
- Provide interpretation services and translation of materials, as appropriate, at parent/community meetings for parents who have limited English Proficiency through the Translation Office.
- Provide opportunities for parents to assume leadership roles at schools and to work as equal partners in the development and implementation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
- Work with community agencies and nonprofit groups to provide community educational forums, events, and other activities to engage families through Parent Outreach and Engagement.
- Meaningful two-way communication is provided to parents in a timely and regular basis.
- Parents are notified and provided a variety of opportunities to be involved in their student's education as indicated in each school's Single Plan for Student Achievement and the site Parent Involvement Policy. All Title I schools receive an allocation for parent involvement activities.
- Conduct an annual survey to identify topics of interest to parents in order to plan family engagement activities that support and are aligned to the goals in the SPSA.
- Meetings are conducted at times appropriate to parents to ensure and promote their participation.
- Parents are informed when schools are identified as Program Improvement, and advised about the choices/services students are eligible for under the Program Improvement choice option and/or Supplemental Educational Services (SES).
- Provide opportunities for parents and staff to meet to discuss student progress.