
Please note: UC's and CSU's generally only require FINAL TRANSCRIPTS, it is not necessary to send initial or midyear transcripts to those colleges. Colleges using the COMMON APP, will generally ask for MIDYEAR, and FINAL transcripts. In addition when applying to colleges via COMMON APP, letters of recommendation are required. Please talk to your counselor as soon as possible for the letters of recommendation, be prepared with a BRAG SHEET.

Requesting Transcripts with Xello:

  • Click on Xello (black icon)
  • Click on "College Planning"
  • Click "Create New Application"
  • Search for your college/university.                                                                                                                                                You may have to type in full college name (i.e. SDSU would be San Diego State University)
  • Select "Regular Decision" for Admission Type
  • Enter any date that is after today for the Application Deadline
  • Click "Create"
  • Click "Request Transcript"


If I put in one transcript request at the beginning of the year, will my updated transcripts be automatically sent out?

No, your transcripts are sent per request. When you first apply to colleges, an initial transcript will be sent (per your request), showing your grades and GPA through the end of your junior year. If you need your senior year, 1st semester grades and GPA sent to your colleges, you will need to submit another request at the end of the 1st semester.


You must fill out the FINAL TRANSCRIPT REQUEST form to have your final transcript sent. If you have not completed the FINAL TRANSCRIPT REQUEST form, your final transcript will NOT be sent. Please ensure that you have the correct address for your colleges/ university. If you have completed a college/university course you must contact that college/university and have them send their official transcripts. Morse does not send transcripts from Mesa College, San Diego City College, and/or UCSD Extension.


Current students can come by the registrar's office before school, during lunch and after school with a current Morse ID, California ID, Driver's License, Passport, or Military ID to request a copy of their transcript. Students will not be seen during class time under no exceptions.

Requesting Final Transcripts Form ( for Seniors currently enrolled and requesting before the end of July.)

Alumni Transcripts ( for former students.)

2016 and previous Alumni Transcripts (for all alumni Class of 2016 and older.)

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